Change Is A Gift From God
Recently, I had the privilege of writing the program for our ward’s Relief Society Christmas Dinner and Program. Our theme was “Women who knew the Christ Child.” The sister in charge had found a program online and acquired it. However, upon reading through it, she discovered that it wasn’t quite what she wanted and asked me to edit it. After I started reading through it, I didn’t get very far before I decided the whole thing should be rewritten. The woman who had written the original had done a fairly decent job but it was full of grammatical errors, loaded with redundancies and, overall, it just hadn’t been written by a writer. Props to the woman, though, for the idea and attempt. I know it was a noble effort and, when she used it, I’m sure the room was filled with the Spirit. I just couldn’t bring myself to use it. So the work began. I started by researching. I’d heard the stories, probably, a thousand times but since I would be speculating and making most of it ...